
About Us

Afghan Construction Companies Umbrella ACCU

ACCU, established in 2007, is registered in Afghanistan and the United States of America and has a proven track record of serving clients in all regions of Afghanistan. Besides, ACCU has served its clients in Pakistan as well. The company aspires to be a role model of quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
ACCU designs projects in all sectors; constructs buildings, road and bridges as per the quality expectations of the clients; is a reliable partner for irrigation and flood protection; and serves the needs of the clients working towards implementation of renewable energy projects. The ACCU technical team also serves the clients’ needs for technical advisory and consultancy services for independent reviews and quality assurance in construction sector.
The services are delivered on the foundation of a strong organizational structure staffed with qualified technical and administrative staff. The human resources are deployed with policy considerations such as equal job opportunity and women empowerment. Besides the human capital, ACCU owns or maintains long term agreement for all required equipment, machinery, material and tools for construction work. The company also is able to deliver equipment and supplies of any sophistication in a timely manner. The company’s strong financial base is a strength that helps in timely implementation of construction work.

ACCU’s Reason for Existence

A vision driven and committed to professional entity, ACCU strives to live a vision, serve and mission and achieve objectives that service its purpose of not only be a source of financial profit but a source of inspiration for its clients, partners, and peers in the private sector.

Our Vision

We aspire to be a role model for the construction industry in quality, efficiency and customer satisfaction

Our Mission

ACCU exist to offer high quality construction services meeting the international standards and exceeding effectiveness and efficiency expectations of our clients while adhering to environmental protection and worksite safety requirements